J r y M e d i a
JerryShakes is now available

The most powerful script to improve your workflow!

Scroll down to see all the products :)

*Note: This script is not for After Effects beginers!*


Choose between 16 different shake presets.

Or create you own shakes with the custom JerryShake maker.

(You can save up to 3 custom shakes with custom names)

Quick and easy to use :)

Works with all resolution & Framerates.


Save yourself hours of times by doing repetitive with just one click.

-Add curves to anyselected keyframe

-Precomp multiple clips with ease

-Add precut Adjustment layer/Solid's

-Fit selected footage to the composition size

-Do Transform tasks without opening side menus

-Change the speed of your selected clips or reverse them

-Add effects like flashes, simple shakes, pop ins or fade out/ins

-You can enter the JerryShake key to add the JerryShake ui pannels in JerryFlow

-Set settings to all the features above

JerryFlow Preview